Travel Action Plan Priorities

We two own good people. They take excellant care of us. Before we started traveling in our mobile dog house, they did a lot of work. The pictures below describe the most important things our people did. You should do these things, too, if you’re going to travel with your pets.

  • They also made a place in our mobile dog house for our toys and our beds.  (We’ll show you pics another time.)
  • They got special water bowls that hold a lot of water and don’t spill no matter how crazy people drive.
  • Food was a concern, too. We eat special stuff. Our people made sure they had enough on hand in case we needed to special order stuff.
  • Same thing with water. Because we move a lot we kept getting weird water that made Taz sick. So now they carry gallons of spring water for us.
  • Unfortunately they also got six months worth of flea, tick, and hearworm medication.
  • Since we spend a lot of time in one place in the winter, those people of ours got us a second doctor in our winter home.  Aren’t we special?!  Absolutely!

Sometimes (like during flea/tick treatment) we wish our people didn’t love us so much!